Going to Market...

An old lady was packing her produce into baskets in a village, to sell them in the weekly market or "Santhai"...the colours of red, green and violet stood out in the bleak misty morning...

Washing her face

While we in cities wash our face in a "wash basin", this rural school kid just hopped on to the fields and started scrubbing her face with soap and sprinkled water from a fresh water culvert used for irrigating her farmland!!

Stubble Burning

This farmer was busy in his fields, burning stubble, that would become manure for his next crop. The smoke formed a great pattern around him and it seemed like he was working in hell..just for that temporary instant atleast..

 Hey, you Buffalo!!

Father and son working in the fields...

Field Work

A father and son duo were working in the fields, along with their buffalo in the background, for company..

Water Carriers..

Another endangered activity in rural villages..with taps appearing in each house, the ruggedly beautiful scenes of women carrying water pots on their heads are soon fading into distant memories...

Under the tree..

A potter makes pots, while his daughter looks on...

Symmetry in Cemetery

While we were waiting for the flock of sheep and herd of cows to turn the corner, I noticed the cemetery and the huge tree. The composition was very unique, with the fading light, huge tree and white tombstones...

Woman with Basket

A woman appeared between the mists, in the fields, carrying a basket on her head, on her way to the market...

Going around in circles..

Threshing paddy with cows...this activity is another one on the endangered list, getting replaced with Mahindra and John Deere...

The Grass Cutter

Dusk light falling on the meadows..the fallen leaves glittering like silver sheets..

Pot Maker

Making and Baking pots...

Old Lady

An old tribal lady, sitting in her house..

Run man, Run

Students in a Gurukul...

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